This is the most common question that find out the 2nd or 3rd..... Nth highest salary from the Employee table
eId INT IDENTITY(1,1) not null,
eName VARCHAR(50) not null,
Salary INT not null
INSERT INTO Emp(eName, Salary) VALUES('abc',20000 )
INSERT INTO Emp(eName, Salary) VALUES('pqr',60000 )
INSERT INTO Emp(eName, Salary) VALUES('xyz',40000 )
INSERT INTO Emp(eName, Salary) VALUES('mno',50000 )
INSERT INTO Emp(eName, Salary) VALUES('def',30000 )
INSERT INTO Emp(eName, Salary) VALUES('lmn',10000 )
There is many ways to find out the nth most highest salary.
Solution 1
SELECT TOP 1 salary FROM Emp
WHERE salary not
in (
SELECT max(salary) FROM Emp) ORDER BY salary DESC)
Solution 2
For 2nd Highest salary
SELECT * FROM Emp e1 WHERE 2=(SELECT count(*)FROM Emp e2 WHERE e1.salary<=e2.salary)
For 3rd Highest salary
SELECT * FROM Emp e1 WHERE 3=(SELECT count(*)FROM Emp e2 WHERE e1.salary<=e2.salary)
For 4rd Highest salary
SELECT * FROM Emp e1 WHERE 4=(SELECT count(*)FROM Emp e2 WHERE e1.salary<=e2.salary)
For nrd Highest salary
SELECT * FROM Emp e1 WHERE n=(SELECT count(*)FROM Emp e2 WHERE e1.salary<=e2.salary)
select top 1 salary from
ReplyDelete(select top nth salary from emp order by salary desc) a order by salary